Wednesday, February 27, 2008


"Marbury v. Madison" & "The Louisiana Purchase" (Chp. 10.1-2)

Objectives for Today
  • You will be able to recognize the impact of major court decisions have had on American life.
  • You will be able to discuss why control of the Mississippi River was important to the U.S.
  • You will be able to explain how the U.S. purchased Louisiana.
  • You will understand what the result were of the explorations of Lewis and Clark.

Agenda for Today

  1. Bellringer 1: You will come in and write down the five questions on the overhead.
  2. We will discuss the importance of Marbury v. Madison and you will turn in your research on the case.
  3. You will use your book to draw and illustrate a graphic description of the Louisiana Purchase.


"Stepping on the Cracks"

Objectives for Today

  • Learners will adequately display their understanding of each core skill we have worked on this year.

Agenda for Today

  1. Bellringer: You will read chapter 2 of Stepping on the Cracks and you will write down each word you do not understand.
  2. We will read through the second chapter together as a class after you have had time to read it by yourself.
  3. We will discuss the chapter as we read through it together.

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